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October - Counters

For the month of October, we practiced counters, emphasizing foot sweeps and hip positioning as our foundational concepts. We also explored countering tai otoshi towards the end of the month.

Below, are three matches to study along with question prompts.

Tsubame Gaeshi (foot sweep counter)

3 study questions for this match:

  1. What concepts of ashi waza (foot techniques) are apparent in this video?

  2. Watch twice, firstly paying attention to the upper body and and then to the lower body. What are the hands doing while the feet are working?

  3. This is a heavyweight match. How do you think the countering dynamics would change if it were a lightweight match?

O soto gaeshi (o soto gari counter)

3 study questions for this match:

  1. How did head and hand positioning change when the counter occurred?

  2. Do you think this counter is more common same-side or opposite-sided?

  3. What other throws would pair well with this style of baiting and countering o soto?

O uchi gaeshi (O uchi gari counter)

3 study questions for this counter:

  1. We went over two different o uchi counters in class. Which one was this most similar to?

  2. What gripping and movement elements of this match led to such a decisive counter?

  3. Do you think Tasoev baited this counter or just anticipated it?


Recent IJF videos are paywalled, and I want everyone to be able to access these study videos so I always use older videos that are free. Luckily, this youtube highlight of a recent Grand Slam has a lot of counters. See how many you can count that we've been over in class.

For November, we will be transitioning to a new theme that fits well with our October month, turn throws (with power). See everyone in class!

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